It will be difficult for shipowners to insist on any freight increase after a 14.7% raise in the Bosporus transit tariff, Pavel Lysenko, analyst with ASAP Agri commented to Latifundist.
“Now one-way Bosphorus passage for 3100k dwt coaster is abt $3400. 14.7% tariff increase goes to $500 rise in total passage costs and I personally think it is not that sum of money that could provide owner with leverage to demand higher freight. At least on this bad market and in the coaster segment”, he said.
According to Liliia Chybinska, freight broker with Atria Brokers, Ukrainian shipowners expects that the freight rates to increase by $0.5-1/MT after the raise in the Bosporus transit tariff.
The tariff to pass the Bosporus to be raised starting from 01 Jul, 2024.