As of 22 August, Ukrainian farmers harvested soybean from 6.6 KHA or 0.3% of area, AgMin reported. So far, 7.2 KMT of the oilseed has been collected, with the yield at 1.09 MT/HA, vs 2.73 MT/HA last year.

Sunflower was harvested from 1% of the area (46.7 KHA), with 51.7 KMT collected. Yield is at 1.09 MT/HA, up from 0,9 MT/HA last week, but down from 1.93 MT/HA last year.

Wheat harvesting was done on 4.86 MLN HA, or 100% of AgMin’s forecast area. Farmers collected 21.7 MMT of wheat with the average yield at 4.47 MT/HA, down from 4.79 MT/HA which is the average yield LY.

Farmers harvested barley from 1.4 MLN HA or 100% of the forecast area, with 5.5 MMT collected. The average yield is at 3.92 MT/HA, down from 3.98 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage last year.

Ukrainian farmers harvested rapeseed from 1.23 MLN HA that is 98% of the forecast area. So far 3.4 MMT of rapeseed has been collected. The average yield is 2.74 MT/HA, steady w/w, but is lower than 2.81 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage LY.

Peas was harvested from 207.6 KHA or 99% of the forecast area. Farmers have collected 458.5 KMT of peas with the average yield at 2.21 MT/HA, down vs 2.59 MT/HA in average last year.