As of 28 October, 2024, 94% (1.05 MLN HA) of rapeseed has been planted vs. 1.14 MLN HA LY with a planting progress of just about 5 KHA this week (1%). Half of Ukrainian regions have reached 100% of forecast or more. 

92% (4.1 MLN HA) of winter wheat has been planted in Ukraine, with the weekly planting pace slowing down to just 7% vs. 14.8% last week. It is anyway 11% more acreage than at the same time last (3.7 MLN HA).

Barley planting is also ahead of LY and has reached 76% (638.5 KHA) vs. 402.6 KHA at the corresponding date LY.  11 of 23 regions have completed barley planting.