As of 24 October, 2024, Ukraine's harvesting campaign is in final stages for soybean and sunflower but the highest weekly progress was in corn with about 2/3 of crop harvested according to AgMin. As well, Ukrainian corn harvesting is the fastest in 5 years.
67% (2.7 MLN HA) of corn’s forecasted area
have been harvested, with 15.4 MMT of crop have been gathered to date. As
harvest is moving towards north and west, where drought was not so severe,
average corn yield in the country is 5.72 MT/HA vs. 5.57 MT/HA last week, but
well below 7.24 MT/HA at the corresponding acreage last year.
Sunflower harvesting stands at 94%, with 4.6
MLN HA yielding 9.5 MMT. This week’s yield did not change significantly and is
at 2.06 MT/HA vs. 2.05 MT/HA last week, but well below 2.36 MT/HA from the
corresponding acreage LY.
Soybean harvesting has reached 93%, covering
2.5 MLN HA with 5.6 MMT harvested. The yield is up with 2.27 MT/HA vs. 2.22
MT/HA last week, but below 2.65 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.
Detailed information about harvesting progress in the key producing regions and weather forecast you may find in ASAP Agri Weekly Premium Report https://asapagri.com/premium
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