As of 12 September, Ukrainian farmers harvested 30% of sunseed area. Almost 3 MMT of sunseed were gathered from 1.5 MLN HA. The average yield improved to 1.98 MT/HA vs. 1.78 MT/HA LW, which is still below 2.18 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.

34% of soybean was harvested (1.85 MMT from 909.5 KHA). The average yield improved to 2.03 MT/HA vs. 1.86 MT/HA LW, but still below 2.56 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.

As for corn, it was 6% harvested (1.1 MMT from 255.3 KHA). The average yield is 4.32 MT/HA, which shows decrease vs. 4.63 MT/HA LW, as well it is below 5.42 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage last year.