08 Sep
As of 05 September 2024, sunseed harvesting in Ukraine has reached 16% of AgMin forecast (1.4 MMT gathered from 780.8 KHA). The average yield is 1.78 MT/HA, up from 1.63 MT/HA LW, but below 2.08 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.
Soybean was harvested on 20% of acreage (1.01 MMT; 541 KHA). The average yield improved to 1.86 MT/HA vs. 1.71 MT/HA LW, which is still below 2.52 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.
Corn was 2% harvested (457.5 KMT from 98.8 KHA). The average yield increased to 4.63 MT/HA vs. 4.5 MT/HA LW, which is only slightly lower that 4.7 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage last year.
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