Sunflower harvesting campaign in Ukraine has started this week, with 4.2 KHA harvested as of 15 Aug, which is 0.1% of AgMin forecasted area. This is 2 weeks ahead of LY start. Farmers collected first 3.8 KMT of sunflower seed with the average yield of just 0.9 MT/HA which is significantly below 1.93 MT/HA from corresponding acreage last year.

As of 15 Aug, wheat harvesting was done on 4.85 MLN HA, AgMin reported, that is 100% of AgMin’s forecast area. Year ago, harvesting campaign was completed on 4.38 MLN HA. So far farmers collected 21.7 MMT of wheat with the average yield at 4.47 MT/HA, up from 4.42 MT/HA LW, but down from 4.79 MT/HA which is the average yield LY.

Farmers harvested barley from 1.4 MLN HA or 100% of the forecast area. Year ago, harvesting campaign was done on virtually same area of 1.4 MLN HA. As of 15 Aug, 5.5 MMT was collected. The average yield is at 3.92 MT/HA, higher than 3.81 MT/HA LW but down from 3.98 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage last year.

Ukrainian farmers harvested rapeseed from 1.23 MLN HA that is 98% of the forecast area. Year ago, harvesting campaign was done on 1.4 MLN HA. So far 3.4 MMT of rapeseed was collected this campaign. The average yield is 2.74 MT/HA which is similar to 2.72 MT/HA LW, but is lower than 2.81 MT/HA from the corresponding acreage LY.

Peas was harvested from 207.6 KHA or 99% of the forecast area. Year ago, harvesting campaign was done on 152.2 KHA. So far farmers collected 458.5 KMT of peas with the average yield at 2.21 MT/HA, same as LW, but down vs 2.59 MT/HA in average LY.